STAR-MING* is a novel bio-inert implant material developed in Japan and initial pre-clinical studies and a pilot study with nine-years safety and efficacy was presented in the JAAM meeting#. This we consider would be suitable in cosmetology as aesthetic filler and also as a breast implant after necessary clinical studies.

This material has the following advantages:  

  1. Proven with a track record of nine-years of safety and retention of shape without disfiguring
  2. Is compressible, while retaining its capability to return to the original shape immedialetly after compressing force is released
  3. Can be cut into smaller shape by the surgeon on the table; gives freedom to the cosmetologist to custom design, cut to the required shape and position appropriately through a small incision rather than has to go by a pre-manaufcatured shape

* Surgically maneuverable Technically Advanced, Rejection-free Material for Implant made of Nano-composite

# Nanocomposite gel implant for facial soft-tissue reconstruction over the zygomatic bone in a Parry Romberg Syndrome patient with hemifacial atrophy: A case report with nine years follow-up; Presented in the 21st Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (JAAM2021), June 25 - 27, 2021, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan